
Frequently Asked Questions

What folks usually want to know about the POEditor translation management system and localization platform


POEditor.com is an online localization platform and translation management system, designed for teams to collaborate easily, but also suited for individual localization work.

You can use POEditor to translate apps, websites, games or other software, using a robust and collaborative online translation management system, and to automate the localization workflow with developer tools.

Just to create an account (no credit card is required for this). Then you can create as many projects as you like and start importing your strings to be localized. You can localize up to 1000 strings for free. For more strings, you can subscribe to one of our paid plans.

Our software doesn't have copies for commercial purposes. You can use it as a service and benefit from its constant improvement and support.

Terms and translations are considered strings. A project's total number of strings is given by the sum of its terms and translations in each language. The total number of strings in your account or organization is the sum of the strings in all the projects hosted on your account or organization.

If you have a project with an OSI-approved license that you want to localize for free, go to the project's Settings and file a request for an Open Source Project.

POEditor runs on its own physical servers, located in a secure datacenter in Europe.


If you'd like to participate in the translation of a project hosted on our platform, you have to be invited by the owner or by an admin of the project. For projects that are being translated with volunteers, you could use a search engine, like Google, to find the public join pages, or dedicated forums (we don't centralize the public project). Note that we don't hire translators or assist them in connecting to potential clients.


The localization project is probably hosted on another account. Its owner can move it to the upgraded account as described here. If you prefer to move the subscription, please contact us at info@poeditor.com.

AT characters and strings are not the same thing. AT characters are used as credit for the Automatic Translation feature (which in its turn uses the machine translation APIs from Google, Azure or DeepL, all paid 3rd party services). Strings is the metric we use for POEditor subscriptions. If you want to be able to add more strings to your project, you'll need to purchase a subscription with a higher string limit.

You can share Automatic Translation characters with other users as described in this article.

Because the Automatic Translation feature works with the machine translation APIs provided by 3rd party services, and they charge for the automatic translations you perform by the character. They are not included in subscriptions because not everyone uses the Automatic Translation feature. The first 10 000 AT characters are on us, so you can test their services before you start paying for them.

You can buy more AT characters from your Account Settings, clicking on the Manage link.

Go to Billing and press the Upgrade button to get the next POEditor plan, or go to the Pricing page to check out the other plans.

You can add their email as Additional Invoice Recipient on the account making the payments.

If you can still get in touch with them, you can ask them to change the email on their POEditor account to your email to hand over the account. If not, please contact us at info@poeditor.com

Any user can change their profile info in their Account Settings. A user cannot change the name of another user, they can only change their own profile details.

You can change your email address in Account Settings > Profile, as described here.

You can set a password for your account using this form: https://poeditor.com/login/recovery

When logged in, click on your username in the top menu and then on Account Settings. Press the Edit Profile button and look for the link that says "Want to remove your account?". Type in your password and you will receive by email a link which will remove your account when accessed.

To discontinue a subscription, it is enough to downgrade your account to the Free plan. The downgrade will take effect at the end of the billing cycle.


You can manually add a new term to a POEditor project in the Terms page. Other ways to add terms to a project, including with a git interation or via API, are described here.

There are other translation options you can choose from, including to order human translation services and machine translation.

In the Contributors page, the owner of the project and the admins can Approve, Block or Remove contributors. More information on how to manage contributors is available here.

Users are not notified automatically. We describe here how you can notify contributors.

You can use the comment section to communicate with contributors or send them notifications.

Please make sure that you're using the Import functionality in the main project page and not the one in a translation page. Note that you have to be an admin or the owner of the localization project to be able to import terms (contributors can't do this).

You can manually add/remove terms in any project's Terms page or in bulk using the Import functionality (available in the UI, with the API and the code hosting service integrations).

Your Excel file will be imported correctly if the data it contains is in the following format: term, translation (optional), context (optional), reference (optional), comment (optional). Note that it is not possible to import several languages at the same time, each language file needs to be in the aforementioned format and imported individually.

If you're a contributor, you can find this information in the Stats page (look for the statistics button at the top of the translation page). Admins and the project owner have this information available for the entire project in the project's Stats section. They can also see how many words are left to be translated in a language as described here.

The Reference Language remains the same while you are logged on to the POEditor translation platform for the same session. If you log out or change the browser, you have to choose your Reference Language again.

A project cannot have more than one owner. However, to centralize the management of common assets such as projects, subscriptions, billing, and integrations in a single place, you can create an organization and migrate your assets there.

It's there. Just look for Flemish.

If you are the owner of the localization project (the user hosting the project), go to the project's settings and use the Request Project Transfer link at the bottom of the page.

If you had access to a project and it no longer appears in your Dashboard, it might have been automatically archived due to the project owner’s inactivity. You can ask them to log in to their account to restore the project if this is the case, or contact us.

To automate the import to your localization project, you can use webhooks. After generating the import Webhooks in POEditor, you'll need to add them in the repo's settings, so they are triggered each time a commit is made.

You can delete any POEditor project you host on your account or organization from its settings.


Yes, POEditor does not have any "Save" button in the translation page, all your work is saved instantly.

You can export the translations in a language using the Export button at the top of any language's translation page.

Yes. We don't limit the number of contributors you can add to a language. And we have a Realtime Translation System in place, which lets users know if there are others connected to the same language or translating the same string at the same time.

You can use the search bar in the translation page of any language to search for whatever sequences of characters you like. The search looks in the terms, translations and context and reference attributes and is case insensitive. Advanced search options are also available for more precise searches.

Some languages have more than one plural form, depending on the number of the objects counted. If plurals are enabled for a term in such a language, POEditor provides different translation tabs for each of the plural forms.

POEditor manages plurals based on each language and guide ourselves by this link. When you enable plurals for a string in POEditor (or when you import a string with plurals), the plural forms are enabled automatically in the interface, according to the target language for which you enabled them.

A translation is usually marked as "fuzzy" if it requires further revision.

The ␣ symbol is used to show leading and trailing whitespaces.

Yes, for the languages that use RTL text, the POEditor translation platform automatically changes the direction of the text.

No, there is no autocorrect in POEditor.

You can join any public project via its public join page. If the public localization project is moderated, you’ll need to be approved as contributor by an admin or by the owner. Note that we don’t centralize these public localization projects.

Non-translatable strings are automatically marked in your localization projects when you import terms with a translatable="false" flag from an Android XML file.

Yes, you can use HTML but we recommend wrapping it in CDATA because we encode HTML tags on export.

We are not involved in the management of the localization projects hosted on our platform. If you're a contributor, you should contact an admin or the localization project owner for answers to such questions.

It's possible to filter the translations added by a user to a particular language as described here.

You can recover deleted translations using the History module or the Translation Memory.

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Get in touch using our contact page or at info@poeditor.com and we'll get back to you soon.