Fichiers De Localisation
Skedar Lokalizimi
ملفات الترجمة

localization files


POEditor was initially designed to be a translation and localization system for managing Gettext PO-based projects. Over the years, our team has added support for multiple localization file formats to cater to the needs of companies from all industries and the technologies they’re using.

The file formats currently supported by POEditor are:

Flutter ARB (.arb)

The Application Resource Bundle is a localization file format based on JSON, with localizable resources encoded as JSON objects. ARB files are used to localize apps built with Google's Mobile App SDK called Flutter.

CSV (.csv)

In computing, a comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format.

INI (.ini)

INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values.

i18next JSON (.json)

Used mainly in Javascript apps and frameworks. Every key is associated with a value, hierarchical data is supported. It's used by angular-translate, i18next, chrome extensions, i18n-node and many other libraries.

Key-Value JSON (.json)

Used mainly in Javascript apps and frameworks. Every key is associated with a value, hierarchical data is supported. It's used by angular-translate, i18next, chrome extensions, i18n-node and many other libraries.

JSON (.json)

A completely language independent data-interchange format, used primarily to transmit data between a server and a web application, as an alternative to XML.

Gettext (.po, .pot)

PO files consist of a list of entries that describe the relationship between original terms or strings and their translations in one language, as part of a project. POEditor works perfectly with any PO files produced by a valid i18n configuration.

Java Properties (.properties)

Properties files are simple file formats that consist in lines with keys and their associated values, which are used in Java apps for internalization purposes.

.NET Resources (.resw, .resx)

RESX & RESW files are resource file formats which consist of XML entries in which you can find objects and strings of XML tags. These files can be read, modified and parsed in normal text editors.

Qt TS (.ts)

Qt ts files are xml files which are used by the Qt Linguist application.

Apple Strings (.strings)

Apple Strings are used in the process of localization for Mac OS X and iPhone apps.

Apple Xcstrings (.xcstrings)

Apple Xcstrings are Xcode-generated files that store localized text strings used in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps.

iOS XLIFF (.xliff)

iOS XLIFF files are XCODE generated files, composed of one or more elements. Each element corresponds to an original file or source. Localizable data are stored in elements.

XLIFF 1.2 (.xlf)

XLIFF 1.2 files are made of one or more elements. Each element corresponds to an original file or source. Localizable data are stored in elements. The element holds a element to store the source text, and a element (that is not mandatory) to store the latest translated text.

Angular XLIFF (.xlf)

XLIFF is a standard for the localization industry, specifying elements and attributes to store content extracted from various original file formats and its corresponding translation.

Angular XMB (.xmb)

The XMB format is a key-value pair list, with no deeper structure. It has a mechanism for named placeholders, with descriptions and examples.

Angular XTB (.xtb)

The XTB format is a key-value pair list, with no deeper structure. It has a mechanism for named placeholders, with descriptions and examples.

Rise 360 XLIFF (.xlf)

Articulate uses the industry-standard XLIFF 1.2 for translation files. Course authors are given the option to include HTML formatting when exporting their courses for translation from Rise 360.

Excel (.xls, .xlsx)

The Excel tables should contain the information in the following order: terms, translations, context, reference and comments, in order for POEditor to arrange them correctly.

Android String Resources (.xml)

POEditor works with Android Strings in .xml formats, parsing single strings and quantity strings.

YAML (.yml)

YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language for all programming languages, commonly used for configuration files. It targets many of the same communications applications as XML but has a minimal syntax.

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