Knowledge Base

Documentation to help you use the POEditor localization platform effectively


How the comments system works

Owner Admin Contributor

Useful tips regarding comments on the POEditor localization platform.


How to use the History module

Owner Admin Contributor

A short guide to using the History module with the POEditor localization platform to consult previous versions of a translation.


How to use the Automatic Translation

Owner Admin Contributor

How to use POEditor's Automatic Translation feature with Azure AI Translator, Microsoft Translator or DeepL.


How to recover translations

Owner Admin Contributor

You can recover translations with the History module (the most recent ones) or with the Translation Memory (the most frequently used ones).


Import options

Owner Admin Contributor

How to import strings to POEditor localization projects.


Export options

Owner Admin Contributor

How to export strings from POEditor projects.


Fuzzy translations

Owner Admin Contributor

This article describes the use of fuzzy translations in POEditor l10n projects.


Advanced search

Owner Admin Contributor

POEditor's advanced search options allow you to fine-tune your search in a localization project.


Translation statistics

Owner Admin Contributor

This is an overview of the statistics available for translation projects on the POEditor localization management platform.

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