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Documentation to help you use the POEditor localization platform effectively

How to translate strings from a Symfony app or site

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To translate Symfony apps or websites with POEditor, you first need to set up your translation project. The steps to make a basic setup for translating your app or site are described below.

1. Create a translation project

Log in to your POEditor account, create a new project in your Dashboard and add your software's base language to it. This will be set later on as Default Reference Language for the project.

2. Import source XLIFF file (.xlf)

In the project page, use the Import functionality to upload the strings from your source XLIFF 1.2 file, with translations in the source language created at the first step. Make sure to check that you want to get translations from the <source> instead of the <target> tag (the strings in the <source> tag are the texts in the base language).

Import Symfony source file (Import page) - POEditor translation platform

After you import the base language from the source file, we strongly recommend you set the base language as your project's Default Reference Language.

If you have translations in the <target> tag also and want to add them to the project, you can add another language to the localization project and import them there.

3. Translate your Symfony app or site

To begin translating your Symfony app or website, you'll need to add your desired target languages to the project and choose your translation options.

You can invite translators as contributors to the target languages but there are also other translation options available.

4. Export the localized XLIFF files

At any point during the Symfony app or site localization process, you can download your target languages in the XLIFF 1.2 file format using the Export functionality.

To export in the XLIFF format it is required to have a Default Reference Language set on the project in the project's settings.

If you want to automate the import/export steps, consider using the POEditor API or one of the integrations with code hosting platforms.

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