Knowledge Base

Documentation to help you use the POEditor localization platform effectively

How to translate INI files


To translate INI files with POEditor, you first need to set up your localization project. Here are the steps.

1. Create a localization project

Log in to your POEditor account, click on Add New Project to create a localization project and add a language to it (your software's source language).

2. Import strings from INI file

In the project page, click on Import to upload the strings from your INI file.

Import terms and translations (Project page) - POEditor localization management platform

Don't forget to choose to Also import translations to a language, and select the language you added at step 1.

Set this language as your project's Default Reference Language after you import the translations. You can change the Default Reference Language in the project's Settings.

3. Localize INI file into target languages

Add the languages you want the app localized in, invite contributors to join the translation and start localizing your app. You can find more info about how to manage contributors here.

You can also choose one of the other transalation options if you don't have your own translators.

You can export your localized languages to your computer using the Export button in any translation page or use one of the other export options.

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