As project owner, you can assign administrators to the localization projects hosted on your POEditor account.
How to add an admin to a localization project
You can add administrators to a localization project in its Settings. To add an admin, in the Access to Project section, click on Add Administrator.
You can choose to add as admin a user that's already assigned to your project, or a new one. The number of admins you can have per localization project is not limited in any way.
How to add an admin to all your localization projects
You can add an administrator to all the localization projects you host on your POEditor account in the account-level Contributors page, using the +
button at the top of the page.
Admin role limitations
Project admins can do anything the project owner can do in the localization project (add languages, import terms, add contributors etc.), except:
- delete the localization project
- add/delete new admins to the project
- see the project in their GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab and Azure DevOps integration pages (because integrations are made at account level).
Administrators are assigned on a project level, not on an account level, so they can't manage your account's billing. If you want someone to handle the payments for the software localization services you use, consider setting a payer on your account.