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Proofreading translations

Owner Admin Contributor

To make sure that the translations in your localization projects fit your quality standards, you can assign proofreaders to your project to check and validate them.

Translation overview (Project Page)- POEditor localization platform

How to grant proofreading rights

To use the proofreading feature, you need to enable it in your project by going to the project's Settings, in the section Advanced.

Enable proofreading (Project Settings) - POEditor Localization Platform

Once proofreading is activated, the project owner and admins can use the proofreading flag in the translation pages.

An Add proofreader button will also appear in the project's settings, allowing owners and admins to assign contributors with proofreading rights.

Add Administrator (Project Settings) - POEditor Localization Tool

A contributor granted proofreading rights to a POEditor localization project will be able to mark as proofread the translations made in any languages they are assigned to. If the contributor is removed from the contributors list, he will also be removed as proofreader from the project.

How to proofread translated strings

Proofreaders can mark translations as Proofread or Not proofread. When a contributor tries to edit a proofread translation, a notification appears, to warn that the proofreading flag will be unset in case of editing.

In any language, Proofread and Not proofread can be used as filters.

Show proofread translations (Translations page) - POEditor localization platform

For ease of use, it is possible to mass toggle the proofread flag, choosing this option in the drop-down select at the bottom of a language page and clicking Go.

Flag toggle options (Language page) - POEditor localization platform

How to lock proofread strings

If you want to lock proofread strings so that contributors without proofreading rights cannot edit or remove them, go to the project's Settings and enable the option Lock Proofread Translations.

Lock Proofread Translations option (Project Settings) - POEditor translation management system

How to export proofread translations

You can export just the proofread strings in multiple ways:

  • when you export from the Translation page, using the dedicated filter in Advanced Settings

Export proofread translations (language page) - POEditor translation management platform

  • if you are integrated with a code hosting platform, you can go to the Settings of a linked language and use the Add export rule filter

Export proofread strings (integration page) - POEditor translation management system

If you want to be notified when a language is 100% completed and proofread, you can use using callbacks.

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