
How to manage a crowdsourced localization project

So there’s a software  you want to localize into some languages, and you decided on crowdsourcing translation to achieve this. If you’re working with any of these localization files, you can easily set up a crowdsourcing project at POEditor. Just create an account, and you’ll have access immediately to awesome localization management features that will automate your workflow. […]


Translator’s guide to software localization

If you want to help with the localization of a software product using the POEditor translation platform, but you’re not quite sure what you should do, you can browse this article to gain insights into how our collaborative interface works. How to join a localization project Joining depends on the project type. If the project is private, the […]


Automating your localization workflow with POEditor: features overview

At POEditor, everyone in your localization team can find tools to increase productivity and simplify their part of the job. Below, I present some main features our localization management platform offers to improve automation.


How to get localization alerts on Slack

Connectivity is essential to a flexibile and efficient localization workflow. Being connected to your team at all times and also being connected to the constant flow of events during the localization process, you can react on the spot whenever something needs attention, increasing productivity and saving a lot of resources on the way. With this […]


How to order translation services in POEditor

The POEditor localization management platform is mainly designed as a productivity tool for localization teams that want to use their own translators in the process of localizing software strings. Despite this, we know that not everyone who reaches our localization platform has translators to assign to their l10n projects, or a community to crowdsource translation. For them, we provide quick […]


How to track the progress in a localization project

Whether you’re translating something with a few strings, like a theme or an app, or dealing with something with a zillion strings, like a big website, there’s one thing that will always come in handy to the localization manager: statistics. Statistics can be helpful for many things, among which evaluating the general translation progress of the software […]


Recovering translations with the History module

The History module is one of the features that makes translating software strings with the POEditor localization management platform a safe and easy process. What the History module does is store translations that are one hour old in a database, so that they can later be recovered individually (with the History link), or in bulk, for […]


How to update your DRL in a l10n project with keys

If you want to translate an app that uses language files such as .strings, .xliff, .resx, .xml or .properties with the software localization management platform POEditor, it’s very likely your localization process will be a little different than if you were using any of the other supported language files. This is because these language files […]


How to use the POEditor plugin for WordPress

With POEditor’s localization plugin for WordPress, you can manage your WordPress language files between POEditor and WP, from within your WP dashboard. Download and install the POEditor WordPress translation plugin according to the instructions in the Installation tab. Then follow this step by step guide to set up your localization workflow. How to manage the WordPress localization workflow


How to use the Translation Memory

To make a localization process faster, there are aspects of it that can be automated. Translation is one of these aspects and even though it has been proven in numerous instances that machine translation cannot compare to human translation, there exists what is called Translation Memory, which combines the human touch with machine power to simplify […]