E-commerce localization: Benefits and how to


By 2027, global e-commerce sales are expected to exceed a staggering $8 trillion, signifying a massive 61.1% increase from 2021. In this booming market, however, simply having an online store isn’t enough. To capture a slice of this global sales pie, you need to speak the language of your international customers. This is where e-commerce localization comes in.

Benefits of e-commerce localization

Localization removes language and cultural barriers, opening doors to entirely new customer segments worldwide. By providing a familiar and comfortable shopping experience in their native language, you can attract a broader audience who might have otherwise overlooked your brand.

A localized e-commerce platform is more likely to convert site visitors into customers. Specialists believe that localization can improve sales by as much as 40% to 50%. By eliminating language barriers and aligning with local expectations, businesses can establish trust, making the purchase process smoother and more appealing to diverse audiences.

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Clear and accurate communication is key to a smooth customer experience. Localization minimizes misunderstandings by ensuring product descriptions, FAQs, and support materials are tailored to the target market’s language and cultural context. This reduces customer service inquiries and fosters a more positive brand perception.

E-commerce localization also positively impacts search engine optimization (SEO). Localized content, including keywords and meta tags in the native language, can enhance your website’s visibility in local search results, driving organic traffic and expanding your reach.

Furthermore, with e-commerce localization becoming a standard practice for global businesses, you need to be proactive when it comes to implementing this strategy. By embracing localization, you can gain a competitive edge over competitors who may overlook its importance.

E-commerce elements to localize

To effectively tailor your online shopping experience to different markets, consider localizing the following aspects:

Website Content

This is the foundation. Translate all website content, including product descriptions, menus, checkout processes, and marketing materials, into the target language. You need to ensure that language and tone resonate with the cultural preferences of the target audience.


Localizing domains, also known as using Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs), can be a valuable strategy for localization. Search engines like Google consider ccTLDs a positive indicator that your website targets a specific country. This can potentially improve your ranking in local search results, making it easier for customers in that region to find you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize your website for local search engines by incorporating region-specific keywords and meta tags, creating multilingual URLs, performing local link-building, conducting regular SEO audits, and more. This enhances the visibility of your e-commerce platform in local search results, driving organic traffic.

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

Even the UI and UX elements should suit local design preferences. This includes navigation, layout, color schemes, and overall aesthetics. The goal is to create a seamless and intuitive experience for users in each specific market, and what works for your local customers may not work for potential customers oversees.

Dates and formats

Dates and time formats vary significantly around the world. Adapt the date format (DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY) to local preferences. Consider including the day of the week for added clarity, especially for appointments or deadlines. Use the 12-hour or 24-hour clock depending on the target market. Be mindful of time zones and adjust product availability or delivery timeframes accordingly.

Product information

Translate and adapt product descriptions to resonate with the cultural and linguistic nuances of the target audience. Use language that conveys the benefits of the product in a way that aligns with local preferences and expectations. Consider employing local idioms, phrases, and colloquialisms to enhance relatability. In certain instances, it would be best to update product images to ensure cultural relevance.


Develop a pricing strategy that considers local market conditions, purchasing power, and competition. Prices should be competitive while reflecting the perceived value of the product in the specific region. Take into account local pricing norms and adjust price points accordingly.

This could mean implementing tiered pricing models based on local demographics and purchasing behaviors. It may involve offering different product bundles, subscription plans, or discount structures that align with the preferences of specific customer segments within a market.

Currency and units

When it comes to e-commerce localization, numbers need to speak the local language too. Display prices in the local currency and use the appropriate currency symbol (€, ¥, $ etc.). Consider including the currency code (USD, EUR, JPY) for added clarity, especially if targeting regions with overlapping currencies.

Adjust units of measurement to what customers in the target market are familiar with. For example, use centimeters (cm) for clothing sizes in Europe, but inches (in) in the US. Be consistent throughout the website to avoid confusion.

Payment methods

Integrate local payment methods that are popular and trusted in each target market. This may include credit cards, digital wallets, or specific local payment options that are widely used in the region.

Shipping and delivery

Localize shipping and delivery options, including shipping rates, estimated delivery times, and any relevant policies. You may want to partner with local shipping carriers to provide reliable and cost-effective delivery solutions.

Customer support

Localizing customer support is a critical component of e-commerce localization, as it directly impacts the overall customer experience and satisfaction. Effective communication in the language and cultural context of the customer builds trust, resolves issues more efficiently, and enhances the brand’s reputation. Localizing customer support means providing multilingual customer service representatives and localized support materials, such as FAQs and guides.

Best practices for E-commerce localization

E-commerce localization is a nuanced process that involves requires more than just translating your website. To ensure success, consider following these best practices.

Conduct thorough market research

Before diving in, conduct thorough market research. Understand your target audience’s language, cultural nuances, and shopping habits. This research will guide your localization efforts and ensure you’re tailoring the experience for the right audience.

Prioritize languages strategically

Don’t try to conquer every language at once. Focus on languages spoken in markets with the highest growth potential. Analyze your website traffic data and target regions with a strong interest in your products.

Strike a balance with translation

Invest in professional translation services for critical content like product descriptions and legal terms. For less critical content, consider a combination of professional translation and high-quality machine translation tools.

Ensure cultural compliance

Be mindful of local consumer protection laws and data privacy regulations. For instance, adhere to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements if targeting European audiences.

Continuously monitor and refine

Localization is an ongoing process. Track website analytics and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement. Regularly update translations and cultural references to stay relevant in your target markets.

Partner with localization experts

Consider partnering with a localization agency with experience in e-commerce. They can provide valuable guidance on navigating cultural nuances and ensuring a successful international expansion.

What to avoid when localizing e-commerce

E-commerce localization comes with its set of challenges that businesses should be aware of. The most important things to consider include:

  • Ignoring or underestimating the importance of cultural nuances. This can lead to misunderstandings and unintentional offense.
  • Relying solely on machine translation or unqualified translators, which may result in inaccurate translations, awkward language usage, or misinterpretations.
  • Poorly localized product information, including inaccurate translations or inappropriate imagery.
  • Overlooking or misunderstanding local legal and regulatory requirements. This can result in legal issues, fines, or damage to the brand’s reputation.
  • Assuming a one-size-fits-all approach, which can lead to overlooking regional preferences and expectations.
  • Insufficient market research. It’s crucial you understand about local market dynamics, customer behaviors, or competitive landscapes.
  • Neglecting mobile optimization in regions where mobile usage is predominant.

Localize your e-store with POEditor

Are you ready to take your e-commerce business to new heights? POEditor provides a collaborative environment where your localization team and translators can work seamlessly together. Keep track of progress, monitor changes, and maintain a unified brand voice effortlessly.

Seamlessly integrate POEditor with your existing e-commerce platform through our robust API. This ensures that your localization efforts are not only efficient but also effortlessly integrated into your overall business operations.

Rest assured knowing that our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you every step of the way. From onboarding to troubleshooting, we’re committed to ensuring your localization journey with POEditor is smooth and successful.

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