Ever since we added the GitHub integration to POEditor, people have started requesting a Bitbucket integration. We’re not going to get into the GitHub vs. Bitbucket discussion, we’re just going to say they’re both pretty popular among software developers and both deserve the same attention. Today is the day Bitbucket fans get their version of this useful feature.
You can now set up the integration either via Project Import or directly from your Project Settings page. You’ll have to grant the POEditor APP access to your repositories and match your language files with the languages within your POEditor project.
Unfortunately though, Bitbucket users only get half of the pie. You can only import terms & translations from your repository, you can’t export them back from POEditor. This limitation comes from the Bitbucket API, which does not allow us to write anything in your repositories. The guys from Bitbucket promised at some point they’ll fix this, but it doesn’t seem very high on their priorities’ lists. You can change that by upvoting this enhancement on their issue tracker here. Pointing fingers done.
We hope you will enjoy this update and maybe one day we’ll be able to complete the feature with an export, if the guys there decide to offer us the possibility to do that via API. Questions and comments welcomed.