Teampass v3 is the new release branch of Teampass.


Thanks for your participation! Please observe these precautions when creating or editing this language file.

Important rules

  • Single quote character ( ' ) must be escaped by using '
  • Do not use dash character ( # ) ...
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Teampass v3 is the new release branch of Teampass.


Thanks for your participation! Please observe these precautions when creating or editing this language file.

Important rules

  • Single quote character ( ' ) must be escaped by using '
  • Do not use dash character ( # ) in your translations - it is used to insert special features such as #URL#
  • Use minimal HTML tags. <i> is allowed to emphasize words, or <strong> for more emphasis
  • HTML tags are allowed in tooltips, but they may be ignored or discarded
  • Do not use style, font size, <br> or special formatting here - improve the main CSS file for all users instead

Style guide

  • Create statements, not questions. For settings, the (yes/no) slider shows it is a question. Good: "Resize images" ; Bad: "Should images being resized?"

  • Start description with item-specific words. This allows quick location and identification. Good: "Default language" ; Bad: "Define the default language" Good: "New feature" ; Bad: "Enable the new feature"

If it applies to your language:

  • Remove language articles when possible. Good: "Rebuild configuration file" Bad: "Rebuild the configuration file" Good: "Choisir langue" Bad:"Choisir la langue"

  • Do not capitalize words to emphasize them; use markup.
    Good: "Disable <i>all</i> logins" Bad: "Disable ALL logins"

  • Do not captialize attributes or features to emphasize them.
    Good: "Set image width" Bad: "Set image Width"

  • Capitalize each word of buttons or headers: Good: "User Management" Bad: "User management"

  • Do not use special characters such as No (numero sign), 1er (français), Tel (Japanese), (1) Japanese. Use only natural language.
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