This is the SpeakBook project; a paper based communication book originally designed for adults with a deteriorating condition who cannot speak. Please enter any translations you can. Email Will if you need to see your changes urgently. Be aware of the HTML parts. Easy to mess those up. Please note: ...

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This is the SpeakBook project; a paper based communication book originally designed for adults with a deteriorating condition who cannot speak. Please enter any translations you can. Email Will if you need to see your changes urgently. Be aware of the HTML parts. Easy to mess those up. Please note: The generation of SpeakBook is not automatic. Also note - that we currently need to fix Right to Left languages. You can view example outputs here. More info - and final releases see here.

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POEditor is a localization platform and translation management system, used to simplify the translation of software like mobile and desktop apps, websites and games, by facilitating collaboration and localization automation. Find out more about how POEditor works.

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